Texas is planning to build its own state-controlled depository and wants its gold back from New York State. The Lone Star state will repatriate its $1 billion in gold bullion.
Texas is planning to build its own state-controlled depository and wants its gold back from New York State. The Lone Star state will repatriate its $1 billion in gold bullion.
Brad Pitt makes his big stock deal in the Black Horse Pub. He tells his partners that the future is in seeds not money. The black horse represents famine in the apocalypse. Bill Gates has a vault full of seeds he’s hedging for the end of the world. Buy your own seeds goldbugs. This is the year of the Shmitah. If you can’t go short the smartest thing to do is buy seeds or gold. I’m gonna put my money where my mouth is and buy a seed vault. You should too if you have a yard. End that lawn and start growing food this spring my golden friends. If you put the seed in your mouth for a few minutes before you plant it the saliva will tell the plant what minerals and vitamins to absorb to give you vibrant health.
A classic song by Sue Lynch
Friends are important, they give our life meaning and bring us happiness and joy. They are there for you when times are tough and they are there for you to celebrate when times are good.
In order for you to be happy, you must share with others.
In your life you will have old and new friends. Both are worthwhile and one may be worth more than the other. New friends are Silver and old friends are Gold. They will always be there for you, never failing on you, never turning their back on your. Be humble and enjoy the new silver friends, but always cherish those golden friends.
1. One ounce of gold is currently 61.5 times more expensive than one ounce of silver. However silver reserves (i.e. the amount of silver that mining companies estimate they can extract from the ground) only outnumber gold reserve by a factor of 10.6. Thus, it stands to reason that the gold/silver ratio should be closer to 10.6:1 than 61.5:1. With gold trading at $1,235/ounce, this would put the silver price at $116.50.
2. In 2012, total gold production from mining equaled 2,700 tonnes. Silver production reached 24,400 tonnes — a figure that is just 9 times greater. From this, it stands to reason that the gold/silver ratio should be closer to about 9:1, which, with gold trading at $1,235/ounce, would put silver at $137/ounce.
3. Most of the gold that is produced is hoarded — only about 400 tonnes goes toward industrial production. More than half of the silver produced — over 14,000 tonnes — goes towards industrial production, and this figure is growing. Trace amounts of silver can be found in virtually every modern-day electronic device, including growing markets such as smart phones and tablets. Furthermore, it is a crucial element in manufacturing photovoltaic cells that are used in solar panels. Because the amount of silver that goes into these devices is generally very small recycling is not economical at the current silver price. Further, producers of these products use so little silver per unit that they can withstand a substantial price increase.
4. Many mining companies that focus on silver production simply cannot make a profit at the current silver price. Companies from Pan American Silver (NASDAQ:PAAS) to Silver Standard Resources (NASDAQ:SSRI) have shown operating losses in this low silver price environment. It stands to reason that if the silver price remains low these companies and many of their peers will cease their operations, and this will limit the supply. On the other hand, while there are exceptions, many of the major gold mining companies can turn operating profits at the current gold price. Furthermore, even if this weren’t the case, because gold is hoarded the gold price is less sensitive to mine output than it is to the silver price.
5. Silver is more appealing to small investors than gold. I can walk into a coin shop with $1,000 and walk out with at least 40 ounces of silver (depending on which coins I buy). I can’t even buy one ounce of gold with that amount. The simple fact that investors can walk out of a coin shop with so much silver makes it far more psychologically satisfying to own.
6. Historically, silver has moved farther and faster than gold in percentage terms. For example since their 2011 peaks silver is down over 50 percent whereas gold is down just over 35 percent. Additionally, in the 1970’s bull markets in silver and gold silver rose 38-fold while gold rose 25-fold. Therefore if you believe that precious metals are going to turn higher in the near future, as I believe that they will, silver should outperform.
7. There is a long history of gold confiscation and restrictions on purchasing or importing gold, and investors may choose silver out of fear that this history could be repeated. For example, in 1934 President Roosevelt signed the Gold Reserve Act which made it illegal for Americans to own gold bullion. This legislation wasn’t rescinded until 1974. For a modern example we can look to India. The Indian government has levied a tariff on gold imports, and while it has backed off somewhat recently the high tariff may lead some Indians to favor silver.
It is important to understand the pros, cons, risks and rewards whenever you decide to invest in anything. Gold is not risk free and these are the three main cons and risks you need to grasp before you commit into buying gold.
Remember the golden rule: You will not get rich in one day, but one day.
Gold doesn’t earn passive income. Other investments such as stocks and bonds may derive a portion of their value from passive income in the form of interest and dividends. However, the only return you can make on gold is when the value increases and you decide to sell.
Need physical storage and insurance. If you choose to buy actual, physical gold, you will not only need to store it, but you will need to insure it as well. Otherwise, you won’t be able to replace it if it becomes damaged or stolen.
Gold can create a bubble. In turbulent economies, many people start investing in gold, but when investors start to panic, gold can become overpriced. This, in turn, means that your investment could lose value once the price corrects itself.
By 2044, the United States has suffered economic collapse, causing severe social decay and growth in organized crime. In addition, a strange mutation has occurred in 10% of the population, giving them limited telekinetic powers. In 2074 time travel is invented, but is immediately outlawed. In addition, tracking technology has rendered it nearly impossible to dispose of bodies secretly, so when crime bosses want to eliminate a target they send them back to the past to be killed by “loopers”: hired guns paid in silver to kill whomever is sent to them. When crime bosses want to end a looper’s contract, they send the looper’s future self back to be killed by his past self, called “closing the loop”, where they are given gold instead of silver pay to retire for thirty years before being sent back in time to be killed.